Siegel Jewelers was founded in downtown Grand Rapids in 1889 by Joseph Siegel. Joseph came to America by himself from Russia in 1881 at the age of 17. With the advent of the railroads, Joseph’s skill as a superior watchmaker became invaluable to passengers needing an accurate timepiece to ensure that they did not miss their trains. Siegel Jewelers soon added jewelry, diamonds, silver, and eyeglasses to their shop, and many of Grand Rapids’ most prominent citizens became loyal customers. 

Reflective of Joseph’s success was the purchase of a summer home near Lake Michigan, which he enjoyed with his wife, Ethel, and their 3 children. This cottage is still being used by Joseph’s descendants.

Shortly after WWI, Joseph's two sons, Norton and Arthur, joined him in the business. They also became active in various service organizations in Grand Rapids. Siegel Jewelers’ smart business practices enabled the store to survive the depression when most jewelry stores failed.  

His son, Arthur, became an optometrist, providing eyeglasses and vision services to the community in addition to watch repair. An interesting anecdote is that in 1936 Arthur (who was an officer in the Amateur Boxing Association) went to New York to petition the United States Olympic Committee to boycott the Olympic Games in Nazi Germany.

Miller Siegel, Norton’s son, joined his father, uncle, and grandfather in the business after WWII. Miller came to Siegel Jewelers with a business degree from the University of Michigan and CPA credentials and experience, adding accounting and business acumen to the operation of the store. Having received one of the earliest gemologist certifications, his knowledge added another dimension to the services the store could provide to its customers.

In 1968, Siegel Jewelers took note of the growing national trend of suburban shopping and opened a second store at the new Woodland Mall Shopping Center. The decision turned out to be the right one. Explosive growth and expanded space at Siegels’ center court location propelled the store to dominance in the Grand Rapids market to become one of the largest independent mall jewelry stores in the nation.

Leslie Siegel, Miller’s wife, managed and enlarged the silver, crystal, china, and unique gift departments at both locations. This additional merchandise was consistent with what was happening in premier jewelry stores throughout the country. Many people in Grand Rapids recall getting not only their engagement and wedding rings from Siegels, but also doing their Bridal Registry there. Over the years, Siegels also expanded, opening stores in multiple locations, including several in Grand Rapids, two in Kalamazoo, and one in Ohio.

The sons of Miller and Leslie Siegel, Jim and Joel, joined the business. By the turn of the 21st century, the landscape for jewelry stores and retail stores of all kinds had changed. Many local merchants were no longer a part of the collection of stores inside malls. Big Box and strong local stores began to dominate retail in shopping districts in the suburbs. 

Therefore, in 2005, Jim and Joel Siegel moved the main store to 2845 Lake Eastbrook in Grand Rapids, the current location. From here, Siegel Jewelers has built the very best jewelry store for their customers. In a time where the average jewelry store sends out its repair and custom design work, Siegel Jewelers oversees every customer repair by employing a full-time watchmaker and two full-time “bench jewelers.”  While average jewelry stores have only sales clerks, Siegel Jewelers has a well-trained staff and a credentialed gemologist who can authenticate and appraise all types of jewelry and gems on the premises. And at a time when the average jewelry store buys old jewelry to melt down, Siegels buys and then sells older jewelry in their popular Estate Jewelry department, which is unmatched in size and selection. The store buys and sells dozens of pieces each week, boasting 15+ cases of jewelry professionally restored by their own jewelers. 

In 2015 Jaron Siegel (5th generation), began as the marketing director. He has brought his creative ingenuity to every aspect of the business with his experience with technology, design, and attention to service.

As it has for over 130 years, Siegels’ philosophy is to have a jewelry store that brings to the community the very best of what they can offer their customers — never just average. Their vibrant staff, proud history, and deserved reputation for integrity and reliability ensure that Siegel Jewelers will continue to offer superior customer service for many years to come. They have been recognized as West Michigan’s premier jewelry stores ever since Joseph Siegel brought his skills as a superior watchmaker to Grand Rapids, and made sure that customers met their trains on time. 


133 Years and Counting

Siegel Jewelers Timeline


Siegel Jewelers founded by Joseph Siegel in the Sweets Hotel at 43 Lyon 


Siegel Jewelers moves to 12 Canal St. Joseph & Ethel are listed as Jewelers


Siegel Jewelers moves to 17 Canal St. as Joseph Siegel Jeweler (this location is later named 17 Canal St)


The store moves to 207 Monroe Ave then 82 Monroe a year later now with a sign that reads Joseph Siegel Jewelers - Jewelers and Diamond Merchants


2nd Generation Norton & Arthur Siegel take over the store


Relocates to 124 Monroe


Relocates to 134 Monroe


Relocates to 55 Monroe


Great Depression-- Siegel Jewelers survives when many jewelry stores do not


3rd Generation Miller Siegel takes over management 


A young Gerald R. Ford buys an engagement ring from Siegel Jewelers


New flagship store opens at the the all new Woodland Mall. Siegel’s is the first Leesee 

Move or remodel: Stores located in Woodland were set with the challenge of moving or remodeling every 10 years. Siegel accepted the remodel challenge and contentiously updated the 5,200 sq feet store until 1998 


4th generation Jim & Joel Siegel take over store management 


Consolidate to one store at 2845 Lake Eastbrook Blvd 


Jaron Siegel officially joins the store as the 5th generation


Siegel Jewelers Let It Snow Contest pays out over $150,000 in customer purchases for Christmas


Shiah Siegel (6th generation), age 17, starts as a part time employee


Siegel’s Celebrates 130 years in business

Thank you and good wishes letter from President Gerald R. Ford

Thank you and good wishes letter from President Gerald R. Ford

Letter from Gerald R. Ford congratulating Miller for taking over the store in 1958

Letter from Gerald R. Ford congratulating Miller for taking over the store in 1958


1936 Grand Rapids Press Article about Art Siegel protesting the 1936 Olympics