It's the time of year we yearn for since flying the coop, your schedule next week is blissfully bare. Between "flopping on the couch catching up on premium cable" to "lounging on the chair as Mom makes your favorite homemade meal," you're fabulously free of work meetings, laundry, rush hour traffic, and Tinder dates. However, the inevitable case of cabin fever comes creeping in by Day 3 of your home bound stretch. Like clockwork, your friends from back home have also returned for the holidays. Feeling similar pangs of overly shut-in syndrome, your phone will start ringing with invitations for impromptu reunions to catch up and reminisce on the "good ole days". 

From relaxed soirees to occasions of a more structured persuasion, catching up with old buds is inevitable. Although they might remember you as the one who always wore "those crazy cropped cardigans" or rocking "homemade highlights" (aka the skunk tail), you have (thankfully) moved on. To help them create new, Hollister-free memories of you, here are a couple suggestions of what you should consider packing to make the most of typical casual and formal hometown holiday occasions.


At your local Coffee Shop with your Study Buddies: This coffee shop was home to you and your fellow queens of cram in April when you studied for that AP European History test. You might have scored yourself a 5 (and really, what can you say? You and La Belle Epoque just clicked), but you also made plenty of awesome memories along the way. Show them that you're still the goofball you were, just a bit more polished. A classic sweater and motorcycle jacket are total coffee-shop staples, but that skirt and satchel make the outfit yours.


Attending Your Official 10-Year Reunion At The Nicest Hotel In Town: Let's face it, you'll need a showpiece accessories to give you something to talk about while you try to remember where you knew the name-tag girl. Be advised, your high school reunion isn't a place to show your classmates every inch of your body (apologies in advance to Romy and Michele). Keep it classy and quirky in a sleeved dress. My suggestions-long fringes, funky embellishments, or an electric color along with an interesting topcoat to assure no coat-check blunders. Show your peers you deserved that "Best Dressed" superlative in a "Most Likely to Succeed" attitude.

Have a "go-to" going home frock you want to share? Send your  award winning and grandma approved staples with #sjstylechallenge or send them
