When giving a gift, how many times have you heard, "Wow! How did you know it's what I really wanted?" Not often, if you're like most people. That's because the art of gift giving draws on two elusive qualities -- being a good listener and knowing what she loves.

  Listening means shutting off your, "can't-wait-to-get-back-to-the-game" voice and giving her your full attention guys! Also, knowing what she loves may take some stealth investigation! Follow her on Pinterest or Instagram to get a sense of her style or to view that special bling she "likes." Shopping for your wife/girlfriend should be exciting! Find someone who can ask the right questions to refine your choice of a gift according to her tastes. A great salesperson (or one of her trustworthy friends) can help you create the perfect gift. Keep it reasonable. Taking out a sec ond mortgage to buy a shiny adornment may not make her happy. But, creating a magic moment and setting it in stone will be a gift that keeps on giving.

Jaron is the fifth generation at Siegel Jewelers

Jaron is the fifth generation at Siegel Jewelers
