When on a diet, you might not keep to the diet 100%, but every salad you have is a step in the right direction. The same is with Ethically Sourced Gold and Gems! Your whole store might not be 'green' but why not one showcase? I think the problem is that the mining and sourcing problems seem so big, thatjewelers are too paralyzed to do ANYTHING. You don't need to save the planet, but EACH responsible gem you buy is a step closer to a healthier world.





to being a Responsible Jeweler




 Baby Step #1

JEWELERS - YOU Need to Believe in all the GOOD Gold, Diamonds, & Gems DO for the World, or Your Customers

Never Will!



Jewelers are afraid to claim their

jewelry as ethically sourced, or conflict

 free because in their hearts they are not really sure, but You Can Be Sure. I will introduce you to REAL SUPPLIERS you

can talk to and feel that are making

 a real difference.



Baby Step #2


Meet The People




People Connect with People. 

Show pictures of the People Your 

Jewelry comes from & your 

customers will feel more connected 





 #GoldtoBeProudof #RealGemsRealPeople



Won't it be cool to use these hashtags in your media? You can. All the Pictures of people above are Real Gem and Gold suppliers doing the right thing. It's not hard, just connect with one of them. Baby step #3 is pick one responsible source, like the dealers on the left, and connect.



Your Customer's Want This!



They want to connect with the

 jewelry they are buying. They do this  through  

people and stories




Baby Step #4


Don't You Want this in your Store Window?


The best thing is to buy from suppliers doing the right thing, but at the very least, if you just

want to something, give a donation to one of

 these great organizations then

you can tell customers you "SUPPORT Responsibly Sourced Gold and Gems"




A Million Dollar Offer


Did you know what 90% of

the World's Gold Miners

 are Artisanal?

 Not large companies. This might be a cool thing to tell customers. The not cool thing is that 20 million miners use deadly mercury to refine the gold. But today with technology and with the internet connecting people, we can end this pollution. visit Mercury free mining.com where Toby is offing a million dollar reward to help end the use of mercury. You can be part of the solution. Email Toby with any questions







You say your customers don't care about the earth or were gems come from. Well then at least you should have a hand out ready for those who DO. This is one Signet (Kays & Zales) gives out showing THEY support responsibly sourced gold and gems.



If Zales has this on hand

shouldn't you?





Why Do this?


*Might be a good source of NEW younger customers

*Don't you want to feel good about what you sell?

*Do you care what you put on your body?

*Jewelry is 100% emotion. If you can make your

  customers FEEL GOOD, you will sell more jewelry

*Something good to talk about on social media

*Just take one baby step, It's easy


